Hoje cedo voltando da aula de Ingles, ao abrir minha caixa de e-mails tinha um da Carmela me dizendo que servia para completar minha aula... e que eu prestasse atenção à pergunta 9
Fui ao endereço citado e constatei que o Giovane havia dado uma entrevista.
TEN QUESTIONS 1.What’s the most interesting neighborhood in Denver and why?
I have to say the Lower Highlands, where the Platte River runs, where the sleepy bums thrive and Jack Kerouac's still the king. That's where Denver started and where my heart lives.
2. What’s one thing that sucks about Denver?
The tearing down of old houses to build over-priced condos.
3. What is, in your opinion, the best restaurant in Denver?
Oh, man...It has to be Parisi's on 4401 Tennyson St. The deli, the pasta... ai..ai...don't forget the cannolis...Mama Mia!
4. How often are you on MySpace?
Once a day, early in the morning or last thing before I go to bed. If you skip a day, sometimes is hard to keep up.
5. What are two things that kick ass about Denver?
For the first time in my life I've been actually enjoying Denver local bands. For someone who always talked bad (read: shit) about local acts, that's is a kick ass thing to say. Secondarily, Denver has a lot of good thrift stores. Perhaps not as good as 5 years ago but still pretty decent.
6. Breakfast King or Denver Diner?
Neither. How about a Chicken-Fried-Steak at Pete's Kitchen?
7. Lodo or Sobro?
Wait...Are we in California?
8. What is up with the dancing aliens?
I can't believe our tax money bought that stupid sculpture. Do me a favor: Don't tell me how much it costed....Please!
9. Why is your mom the best mom?
My mom went back to school when she was like...40 years old. We still had lunch and dinner on the table everyday, not to mention clean clothes. My mom can also kick your mother ass! I mean...seriously!
10. If not Denver, where?
Sao Paulo, Brazil or anywhere in Brazil. I still miss Upstate New York, though. Do I really have to pick a single place?
Imaginem vcs quando li a resposta da pergunta 9 "pq sua mãe é a melhor mãe?
Se eu já era coruja, fiquei coruja e meia.
Filhão, abraço bem grande. Te amo de mais.